Wednesday, 10 April 2019

chris photoshop

week 1: General Introduction

I was happy to see our tutor for digital media. He introduced himself as a Chris MacDonald. and told us to introduce ourselves. We might say where we've come from, where u wanna be in near
future. I was quite excited and happy to see different faces and assumed that they might be very talented and smart.  I  had this concept that the ongoing course would be very practical and exciting.

For me being outside the country is a completely new thing. For some moment I wasn't feeling comfortable with other students. I wasn't confident enough to speak in English and took me several periods to catch up with tutors voice and sentences, As I found it to be deep and manly. It was just my opinion and freaked out assuming that how would I be able to understand throughout the upcoming session.

Chris noticed us that we need to be writing a blog as a part of our college assignment as it would carry about 25% of the overall score. I was very new to writing blogs. I heard about it before but I had never tried.

week 2- PhotoShop and Wacom device properties/ drawing with brush tools and pattern brushing
week 3  Photoshop preferences/ interface- bg color,font size/ performance memory usage
scratch disks- generally show yours drives and provides options to change between drives.
tips, if two mechanical small drive you can change it.

gamut warming- printer device might not produce those color.

ruler: Ctrl+r    shift+drag down

photoshop tools
fill spaces, mask spaces, shift-drag- add selection, shift alt remove from the selection
Ctrl+shift+I inverse the selection, Ctrl I - inverse

For the Classwork, we practiced drawing an apple in Photoshop. Here is my final apple which was later exported. First of all, I've drawn some basic square to make a proper shape of it.

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