Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Week 6

German Expressionism:

After world war I, the transition of a new democratic government unofficially known as the Weimar Republic. The country wanted to strengthen in the sector of the film industry by financially supporting film conglomerate known as UFA( Universal film AG), one of the largest with the well-equipped studio.
This helped German film very competitive. This era was very important and lasted from 1919 to 1993.

Expressionism was the broader artistic movement that got developed from the early 20th century
in various sectors like painting, sculpture, architecture, music, literature, and theater.

Seeing the world through the filter of human perception and emotion falls under Expressionism whereas the opposite of Impressionism refers to the focus on surface reality.
German films then were very popular for their stylized set design, shadowy lightning, and widely admired and imitated across the world.

Artificial set design specially Geometric elaborated custom and unnatural makeup.

Most of the background music for these films were originally recorded which sounded very raw and suitable for happenings for a movie.


  Vincent de Tim Burton:

Tim Burton, being one of the most known directors of our time and having a very unique style, has a big influence on the younger crowd, but we wondered who influenced him. By doing some research we discovered that German expressionism plays a big part in his movies and that it can be found in many of them. Along with my friends, PatrĂ­cia Tavares, and Carina Nobre, we decided to make a visual study and compare some of Burton's best movies with the most important and known german impressionist ones.

Soviet Montage Experiment 

This experiment was done by me and Alexie in the Class. We wanted to show how one's perception can vary differently with regard to people and objects. here I've included A piece of bread as food to represent the poverty line. The other image shows an African child who has been hospitalized. And the other one shows a girl taking a selfie of herself with an iPhone. a girl in a picture seems to be very materialistic. The man observing this image for this project is Wilford Brimley (American film and television Actor).


Week 3

Watch a movie and write a description of it? Talk about what you've seen.
I've watched a series called Game of Thrones. As there are 8 seasons for this television show I 've managed to see 7 of those and desperately waiting to watch the new season.

Blog Research:

From my research, I have managed to cover some information on George Melies work and invention.

George Melies (8th December 1861-21 January 1938)

The French-based illusionist and film director was an early Pioneer to invent many technical and narrative developments in regard to films.  He is considered as a father of special effects, illusionist and film director. His techniques involve multiple exposures, substitution splices, time-lapse photography, fade-out, slow motion, dissolves, and hand-painted color.

Between 1899 to 1912, Melies had made more than 400 films, among these best ones combines illusion effects, science fiction, fantasy, horror, comic burlesque, and pantomime to express the core idea of his shots in A very playful and absorbed fashioned way. He is also considered as the first person to introduce storyboards in his film and especially specialized in depicting extreme human body using camera shot techniques Some of his movies include As diverse as Cleopatra, Le Christ Marchant Surles eaux, Le Voyage a Travers, I'm impossible, Hamlet.

Evocation spirite(1899,Summoning the Spirits), directed by George Melies.)

Le Voyage dans la lune(1902, A Trio to the Moon), directed by Georges Melies.

George Melies has inspired many film directors and artists around the world. His ideas and works are still been carried by almost every film director and editor. Among which the most commonly used techniques are dissolves, fadeout, multiple exposers, jump cut intercut and more importantly storyboarding.

In my point of view, jumpcut, intercut and multiple exposers techniques seem to be a very creative and artistic way of expressing captured camera shots in videos which I will be using them in my future projects. In-depth jump cut refers to the techniques where two sequential shots of the same subjects are captured from camera positions that vary only slightly. This subsequently helps editors to draw viewers’ attention.
Similarly, Multi exposer, a state where two different shots with different exposers are combined in a single shot.

Blog Research Task:

From my Top ten movie list, George Melies has highly influenced these films. These movies have used all the techniques that I have mentioned above namely dissolves, fadeout, multiple exposers, jump cut intercut and more importantly storyboarding.
Since he has given the concept of visual effects, movies like Avatar, Pirates of the Carribean, Maleficent, Game of Thrones widely uses extracting character and compositing methods. These days Rotoscoping and green screen compositing is widely used to extract individual character or object in almost every film. It has become one of the essential elements for the VFX pipeline.

This image shows the rotoscoping technique used to extract the human head.


Hencar Productions. (2019). Camera Dolly & Jib | Video Production Services | Hencar Productions. [online] Available at: http://hencar.com/processes/production/dolly-and-jib/ [Accessed 26 May 2019].

Hencar Productions. (2019). Camera Dolly & Jib | Video Production Services | Hencar Productions. [online] Available at: http://hencar.com/processes/production/dolly-and-jib/ [Accessed 26 May 2019].

School of screen arts- Film and Animation

26 Feb 2019/3rd-week Tuesday.

Why do you watch Oscar or why no?

Time difference?

I usually watch Oscars, but This time I missed the show.
Later, I watch the streaming, but only the specific one mostly I pick on the best visual effects nominees and best-animated feature films, editors, sounds and actors. congratulations to all participates and nominees that have put enormous effort into making their movie the best. The title "Oscar" leads all the artists and directors to work hard and push their limits in the movie industry.

91st Academy Awards 

25 February 2019 2:00pm NZDT

These are the few Oscar winners of 2019 that was held on.

I was very happy to hear that Rami Malek has won the title for the best actor for the movie Bohemian Rhapsody. I used to watch his early series, " Mr. Robot" that came out in June 2015.

magician of the cinema
Georges Melies was a successful magician and owned his own theater in Paris.
decided to add films to his program.

Definition of terms
fade in fade out: a transitional device consisting of a gradual change in the intensity of an image or sound, such a

reverse motion
reverse motion
cutting in camera.

Privacy and the end.

the hunted castle 1896 George Melies silent film
it's a massive success in the field of film history during his era, he has given a concept
The man with the rubber head 1901
basically shows the scale transition his head.

trip to moon
we get to see the transitional effect and concept of how human can travel to the moon in a very funny way.
fade in, fast forward technique, dissolve, synthetic face,
gave the idea of visual compositing with different layers of elements, back in days there was no computer software, so everything here is done manually. scale proportion concept. smoke and blast effects,

Blog research 
George Melies.. ( father of visual and Special effect, magician, illusionist.
What new technique did he create?
How did the new techniques influence future films in general?
From your top ten list of films, describe how George Me lies may have been an influence?

magic and specialist became 
supportive and gorgeous life
world war / they don't have time to watch his movies

The movie I need to watch:


Sunday, 3 March 2019

Research- Spider man- Into the spider verse

Here is a quick short video clip I found on the internet, which I find interesting and helpful for my learning.

Film facts/insider- Spider-man- Into the spider-verse.

It has 177 animators on staff at one point, more than twice of ordinary animated films. Took 1 week to animate the 1-second film.

The movie is unique and new for viewers. Josh Beveridge head of character animation says "Don't emulate reality and don't make it a cartoon.

Frame rates were 2 s instead of 1. during struggle it would be 2 while in flawless it is 1.

no use of motion blur, rather they used old school technique smear. a similar technique was first used by a movie called The Dover Boys at Pimento University.

The director explains that whenever the movie is paused in middle, it shows a complete art of illustration, rather than motion blur. Instead of blurring the background, numerous filmmakers have used depth of field to foreground in-order to make them give a comic and different look.
when something is in focus, the color is aligned and are crisper. and the technique is called Half Toning.

 Dots are used to create colors and gradients.shadows are created by hatches or crisscross lines. legendary Marvel artist "Jack Kerby" is renowned for this technique.

They used comics signature onomatopoeia (the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g. cuckoo, sizzle).

 Reference and Links:


Week 9 3d modelling maya
