Tuesday, 26 March 2019

School of screen arts- Film and Animation

26 Feb 2019/3rd-week Tuesday.

Why do you watch Oscar or why no?

Time difference?

I usually watch Oscars, but This time I missed the show.
Later, I watch the streaming, but only the specific one mostly I pick on the best visual effects nominees and best-animated feature films, editors, sounds and actors. congratulations to all participates and nominees that have put enormous effort into making their movie the best. The title "Oscar" leads all the artists and directors to work hard and push their limits in the movie industry.

91st Academy Awards 

25 February 2019 2:00pm NZDT

These are the few Oscar winners of 2019 that was held on.

I was very happy to hear that Rami Malek has won the title for the best actor for the movie Bohemian Rhapsody. I used to watch his early series, " Mr. Robot" that came out in June 2015.

magician of the cinema
Georges Melies was a successful magician and owned his own theater in Paris.
decided to add films to his program.

Definition of terms
fade in fade out: a transitional device consisting of a gradual change in the intensity of an image or sound, such a

reverse motion
reverse motion
cutting in camera.

Privacy and the end.

the hunted castle 1896 George Melies silent film
it's a massive success in the field of film history during his era, he has given a concept
The man with the rubber head 1901
basically shows the scale transition his head.

trip to moon
we get to see the transitional effect and concept of how human can travel to the moon in a very funny way.
fade in, fast forward technique, dissolve, synthetic face,
gave the idea of visual compositing with different layers of elements, back in days there was no computer software, so everything here is done manually. scale proportion concept. smoke and blast effects,

Blog research 
George Melies.. ( father of visual and Special effect, magician, illusionist.
What new technique did he create?
How did the new techniques influence future films in general?
From your top ten list of films, describe how George Me lies may have been an influence?

magic and specialist became 
supportive and gorgeous life
world war / they don't have time to watch his movies

The movie I need to watch:


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