Monday, 30 September 2019

Further preparation for next assignment

Some reference on how to carry out the task for our next assignment,
Here is the quick sample work is done by Ruby meades.

These above screenshots belong to Ruby meads. None of these are my content. © Ruby Meads

My goal:
From this reference sample, I will be following the same strategies with my role model that is George Melies.

Week 12

Time table for the submission for my assignment. I and Regil thought of listing a time schedule for our upcoming assignment.

Carrying up with my previous work. After a fruitful conversation with the tutor, I had to change this specific scene where I replace the shop with the building where Mr. Dees' office is located.

Future Career and pathways for me in various studios across New Zealand.

Week 12 semester 2

Think and create:
Entry form distributed to every student, all the work has to be submitted via listing the link in the form.
This is the part of being us and selling ourself and standing out and progress in your career.

Showing some of your best blogs. The blogpost is a substantial part of our marks.
Next week we will talk about the submission of our assignment. If you want to post from any other paper, you are always welcome.

My work so far for the Assignment.
I have finished tracking the video, after lots of trial and errors. It was quite easy because it was tripod camera movement.

In Photoshop I made a matte for my comp.
here I have removed the tree and painted the whole building. This image will be later used along with the tracker.

Retouched Photo.

Original photo

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Saturday test

shooting test: not bad with shooting but have to adjust proper lighting.
challenges: frequent movement of set caused serious issues with the shooting.
error: moving armature frequently was a tough job.
solutions: Adjusted the whiteboard ceiling where the lamp can reflect the life and the board illuminates light evenly.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Week 11 (1990's games)

Game Play:
Top down view:

Moral Kombat:
I've heard the name but have not played it. here's my opinion on how the gameplay is like. great evolution ani
Level of violence compared to video games these days.

Doom 95
texture/ lighting/ 3D
shooting level design, sound and consistency gameplay. The soundtrack, puzzle-style were fascinating

War Craft:

The Japanese based company first released Playstation in 1995

Tomb Raider: different character can be seen image from 3D looking character to human alike character.
Possible to make a chess machine, challenging, critique said its gonna take a decade to make a chess machine, had to face lots of trial and error, it wasn't as good as he expected, The machine could easily defeat the best human chess player.
Multiple solutions to solve most of the intellectual property

Game Play: looks very smooth interms of character movement. 3D character with good sound but very dull interms of video quality. not so detail.

different activities performed by the male character while female does the same act.

How video games changed the world:
Rate their choices in your blog.
game called Pong:
mainly called table tennis, basic in function, successful video game which was more in black and white. revolutionalize home entertainment

Pac man: firstly designed by seeing after a piece of pizza was taken out.  The gentle element of humor to the gameplay.  it led other game industry to come up with more humanoid character.
1980: computerized futurazed technology in UK
tomb raider, mass effect, pow rapper: song very catchy and sound more psychedelic 

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Week 11 sem 2

Weta workshop.

I was privileged to have a short session with the representative from Weta digital.
here are the short notes that I noted

use Linux even simple execute may help
follow your vision, what you want to do and be in the future. maybe online courses might help.

In this session, they showed some cool VFX compositing stuff and 3d elements all the passes.  some footage from Alita battle angel movie which was one of the blockbuster movies of all time. It was good to know that the movie was inscribed from early comic ideas. As a result, the movie itself is great. great 3d integration which blends nicely with background appearing photoreal.


Week 11 class 2

Very Effective and life skill Tutorials

Adding peg can allow you to transform the whole group and image
Thumbnail can be handy for rig character.  drawing reference image
Break down your character the characters volume weight shape and keep its shape consistency.

Pallete in Harmony
Can add individual for a specific character
swatch mode.

line art and color art layer
Apply to multiple drawings

In today's classroom activity, I was making Mr. Dees' office using Photoshop. I'll be putting this to the city scene that I previously made.

Toon Boom Harmony Refresh 

These are great videos going through the basics to kickstart you into Toon Boom Harmony 

Refresh yourself with all the tools, animation process, and camera 

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

week 11

We were working on the stop motion project. Today's main task was to carry on with shooting shots and adjusting proper lighting. We have managed to put the props which include two houses, human, trees box where every element are of a geometrical shape that is square and rectangle. This project is, particularly for the second scene.

This is this the set design for our stop motion, It is actually the first one. Making an armature walk on this styrofoam was pretty time consuming and tough at the same time. But we get better and better in terms of providing a smooth movement for the character. 

For future work, we made a timesheet and planning. which I have illustrated below. 

All of these ideas were developed by Alicia, We consider her as a good writer and proper script artist. For me most of these terms sounded more technical, It was definitely not a simple story. every figure and character wold resemble some deep meaning. The main character itself has its own personality. Thus It was really hard to fit in for me. But I have done most of the things that I could, and have spent valuable time on my assignment and group project. I did stop my job for at least 2 months to carry out the task until its finishing point. 
Meeting different types of people and coping up with their personality gave me a new experience. I would say we had a language barrier and it was hard to catch things right at the beginning. I should have been clever and picked out my group partner with whom I feel flexible and comfortable. this could lead me to show better results while compromising things easily.  
I noticed several times Aron becoming super angry and yelling at my group member. which I didn't feel right. 
I was supposed to do the editing but the communication always lacked, Aron, wanted to do it by himself without notifying me. therefore it took us a long time to render at the end while handing the second assignment that resulted us to faile the paper. we were panicking while he was calm and easy-going. But overall he worked hard as all of us, these are just my personal opinion I am not outweighing one to other. I also might have some issues and faults. I would consider myself being late some time since I live far from town and that is my problem. The time has been tough for me and lots of learning. 

Monday, 23 September 2019

Week 11 class 1

Assignment continuation.

 Today I was doing the city scene. I made it using a vector line. next task is to color it fully and add some moving vehicle. 

This is the cartoony style of a car and a truck. I generally prefer realistic characters than the cartoony one but I decided to give this style a try.

Week 11 Semester 2

In the absence of my tutor, I was carrying on with my assignment project as well as reading some of the articles provided in the class about effective and evocative learning.

Preparing for the presentation and the feedback that I've received from my classmates are listed below.

1. You definitely know what you want to do in terms of editing techniques and such, but maybe you need to figure out what you're doing with these, Write for this or make it a short centered around there.- Zeta

2. Interesting ideas, great description and nice pics of inspiration. -Bela
3. A lot of your images seemed to have really cool looking light effects and projection. I think trying to focus on that aspect could look really cool, especially if displayed on a TV for the gallery.
4.Very different from others, which is pretty cool. It will be interesting to see how you incorporate your idea for the exhibition. Excellent stuff.

And my powerpoint presentation looks like this.

I got c for this presentation and tutors' comments were distributed on paper. Her main concern was that we didn't put a sincere effort and took it seriously. which we really needed to have. I have learned by seeing other friends' work and the way of them present in the class. I hope to do it better next time considering my tutors' comment I am very satisfied and put that in my mind.

Week 9 3d modelling maya
