Tuesday, 24 September 2019

week 11

We were working on the stop motion project. Today's main task was to carry on with shooting shots and adjusting proper lighting. We have managed to put the props which include two houses, human, trees box where every element are of a geometrical shape that is square and rectangle. This project is, particularly for the second scene.

This is this the set design for our stop motion, It is actually the first one. Making an armature walk on this styrofoam was pretty time consuming and tough at the same time. But we get better and better in terms of providing a smooth movement for the character. 

For future work, we made a timesheet and planning. which I have illustrated below. 

All of these ideas were developed by Alicia, We consider her as a good writer and proper script artist. For me most of these terms sounded more technical, It was definitely not a simple story. every figure and character wold resemble some deep meaning. The main character itself has its own personality. Thus It was really hard to fit in for me. But I have done most of the things that I could, and have spent valuable time on my assignment and group project. I did stop my job for at least 2 months to carry out the task until its finishing point. 
Meeting different types of people and coping up with their personality gave me a new experience. I would say we had a language barrier and it was hard to catch things right at the beginning. I should have been clever and picked out my group partner with whom I feel flexible and comfortable. this could lead me to show better results while compromising things easily.  
I noticed several times Aron becoming super angry and yelling at my group member. which I didn't feel right. 
I was supposed to do the editing but the communication always lacked, Aron, wanted to do it by himself without notifying me. therefore it took us a long time to render at the end while handing the second assignment that resulted us to faile the paper. we were panicking while he was calm and easy-going. But overall he worked hard as all of us, these are just my personal opinion I am not outweighing one to other. I also might have some issues and faults. I would consider myself being late some time since I live far from town and that is my problem. The time has been tough for me and lots of learning. 

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Week 9 3d modelling maya
