Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Week 5

Using a camera.

cannon camera.

Winter's Blight.
old mam chopping down the tree:
the scale of an object looks very realistic. tiny but real


Cameras to use
variety of still cameras we will go through during class
the camera needs to work with software that is a dragon frame.

D7000(1 USUALLY3)

equipment rules explained, practice and


fixed focus zoomed lenses are also there, range of wide telephoto. ( field of view, the angle that you see)
lower the angle number wider the field of view,
higher the angle narrow the field of video,
little infrequent detail can be captured by macro lenses
jpeg size, full pixel size, biggest 4k by 2k.

Settings to use- quality
can later tweak

iso, 100, 200, 300, 400, etc
lower the number less sensitive, need more light and vice versa.
if higher, more noise and vice versa, while stop motion goes for lower.

Shutter speed.
how long is shutter is opening and the light is exposing. longer for outdoor.
not to use florescent, for stop-motion

Settings to use- aperture
max aperture lower number
min aperture higher number
depth of field, focus, and sharpness.

Depth of field
The area in front of behind your plane of focus that is perceived as sharp
Typically 1/3 in front of your plane of focus is perceived as sharp compared

Things to watch out
Exposure settings

to change the exposer, roll the front roller.
ball mode, specially designed to capture at night, caution: battery might go soon.

Shutter speed. keep iso less as possible
aperture: focus and defocus
depth of field.

White Balance

not to mess with others' camera

file numbering on camera

the lens should always be pointed forward.

operate your camera

exposure delay mode.

Class activity

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