Monday, 10 June 2019

Essay draft by Akshay Shrestha

Essay draft by Akshay Shrestha


The following essay covers brief concepts on the journal "A Critique Of Animation" by Anselm Franke. It sets to provide information on various filmmakers like Harun Farocki,  Marey, Muybridge regarding a wide range of contextual topics like computer animation and simulation, motion capture technology, Artificial Intelligence and the uncanny valley in modern days. These terms play a vital role in modern Cinematography while making the film industry run fast and smoothly, Besides this will the human workforce be replaced by machines in the new future?

Frankie has beautifully covered every aspect with their importance and examples.


Motion capture Technology, a process of capturing the motion of a moving object or a people. This technique involves the use of highly advanced cameras and sensors to record body movement. The gesture made by human actors are recorded and later synchronized with a digitally 2D and 3D character. This method has widely gained popularity. Moreover, it is very cost effective and precise.

Rationale: Explain Why the topic is of interest.

Being an animator and film student, these topics always concerns my interest regarding these topics. Its uses and information help us to understand how industrialization and neoliberalism have contained and regulated our individuality so we can be effective and normal. 


From the information that Anselm Franke has provided justifies. 
Images made by motion capture technology has eased their shots looks mechanical and realistic, He states that it's not only cheaper to use real actors in motion capture than to generate CGI from scratch in digital animation, he believes the technology today has always- already been pushed beyond the uncanny valley. and that valley is supposedly bridged by the investment of life into machines. This whole system is made up of the intelligent environment and self-learning system carried by AI and supercomputers executing tasks under intricate networks. 

However this practice might be quick and efficient but on another hand, it might replace the human workforce, where machines and computers would dominate living beings. The living being now supplements the machine and provide it with the part of animate intelligence which to date it has not been able to reproduce itself.

In my point of view, As a drawback of this practice, When every task is carried by machines, People become less creative and they tend to seek comfort making them lazy and less productive.

Favorite tagline from this journal: " Reality is then no longer measure of an always imperfect image. Instead, the image increasingly becomes the measure of an always- imperfect reality.

Evidence: However Anselm frank doesn't provide such technological advances that it would have to happen in the future and he lacks to describe details on how this technology is carried out around the world, how software and technology are executed. 

To summarize The journal provided by Anselm Franke, it basically satisfies his audience and provides a wide understanding of film technologies in these days.

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