Monday, 10 June 2019

Week 15

working in Storyboarding.

First had to do lots of rough work while drawing. I had to imagine every pose and draw them. I had to go through different trial and error. Somehow, class from drawing session that is BVA 115 from tutor Chris Popham class has helped me a lot to exaggerate the human postures and body proportion I believe the progress is very subtle but very effective. Motivation and consistency are key.

It consumes lots of time to give detail and work on layers. For example
Here,  I wanted the front bridge bars to appear in front of horse and cart. for this, I need separate layers of these bars. But I 've already created this, and storyboard doesn't allow to select individual lines. Therefore I consider to leave it as it is. the main thing I've learned is to draw different elements in different layers. This helps my project to appear clear.


The main problem I faced is that I used to erase the drawn image which was blocked by front subject.
The better idea would be to draw a character using the brush tool but make sure every line should be joined. This makes to paint a particular area very effectively. I've chosen my storyboard to appear in black and white.

My goal for storyboard animation is to improve drawing skills manually rather than using the polyline tool. As we can see most storyboards are hand drawn. Therefore mastering this can be very fruitful.

Improvements: From continuous practice and working with drawing and software. i can feel that my skill has improved a bit.

Early ideas and rough sketches:

Next day:
My thoughts for this project: Unfamiliar with the software, had to spend lots of time.

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Week 9 3d modelling maya
